Communications tips - For competitors
- Be clear with line calls – when the ball is out stop play and indicate visually with a raised finger that the ball was out.
- Call point scores as per normal. Be aware that there are some deaf people who do not speak, and will prefer a manual scoring method - one such method uses 15-15 is indicated by 1-1, 30-30 by 2-2, deuce by 3-3, etc. Clarity with line calls is important for accurate scoring.
- When changing ends, ensure you are face-to-face with the deaf person when confirming the game score, & update scoreboards if available
- If playing doubles, decide how to communicate with your partner prior to the match.
- Be honest & diligent – call all lets and make line calls per normal. Do not over-rule your own line calls just because you your opponent didn’t hear the let or your line call and has played on!
- Call all service lets, whether you are serving or receiving - immediately stop play & visually indicate the call (e.g. raise your hand).
Communications tips from various perspectives:
- General
- For coaches
- For competitors
- For officials
- For tournament organisers
- For clubs and venues
- and last but not least.... for deaf tennis players