News & Events:

Deaf Kids on Court at the Australian Open

March 2, 2014

During the recent Australian Open, 17 deaf and hard of hearing kids from Victoria had the opportunity to experience this by walking onto Hisense Arena for the Hot Shots Kids on Court clinic.  Click here for more.

Craigieburn Fun Day - Postponed (HEAT)

January 31, 2014
Due to the 40 degrees forecast for this Sunday not being much fun for anyone, we have decided to postpone the Fun Day to a date to be confirmed...


Cragieburn Fun Day - Feb 2nd

December 5, 2013
Join us for a fun day, all ages, all standards.  Equipment BBQ and refreshments supplied.

Feb 2nd, 1pm-3pm, Cragieburn Tennis Club.

Click here for a flyer with further details

NSW - Deaf Doubles Fun Day - Dec 8th

November 6, 2013
This will be a fun day of doubles, round robin format.  Bring a friend / family member! Fabulous venue (Sydney Olympic Park).

Click here for more info and to register online

Click here for print-n-post entry form

DTA Membership Applications/Renewals

October 14, 2013
Click here to join/renew your membership ($15 per year).  

If you're participating in an event that includes DTA membership, on the payments page indicate "Pay at the event".


2013 Deaflympics (Bulgaria)