News & Events:

Deaf Tennis Open Day - Tasmania

March 14, 2010
For all deaf, hard-of-hearing, hearing impaired, cochlear implantees, and their friends and family.  All ages, all standards (modified equipment is available on request).  The aim is for everyone to enjoy some tennis and make contact with other deaf tennis players.  This is also a great opportunity to have a hit at a fantastic tennis venue - the Domain Tennis Centre in Hobart.  Details & registration.



Vic Monday Night program

March 14, 2010

The Monday night program is continuing through March & April.  Further details here.  We are thinking of starting up a session at 6pm for junior coaching - if you are interested please register your interest at, or just turn up at 7 one night and say hello.


USA Deaf Tennis Open

February 27, 2010
The 2010 USA Deaf Tennis Open has just been announced by the CISS and the USA Deaf Sports Federation and will be held on July 16th-19th in Las Vegas (additional info on Facebook).  The tennis tournament start just before the deafnation expo - so it will no doubt be a huge week in Las Vegas!  We would like to have as many Aussies as possible competing and watching, and we already have several people who have expressed a firm interest.  If you are interested in coming, please check out the flyer here - at this stage we need to get a rough idea of numbers & start thinking about travel & accommodation arrangements.       

NSW Sports Community Meeting

February 13, 2010

Deaf Tennis Australia (NSW subcommittee) will be attending the community forum and information session about re-establishing Deaf Sports NSW.  If you would like to help organise deaf tennis in NSW (or other sports for that matter!!) it is a great opportunity to show your interest and get involved - you are also most welcome to contact to discuss deaf tennis activities in NSW, and we are always looking for volunteers to build up our NSW subcommittee and possibly re-establish Deaf Tennis NSW.

More information here.


NSW - Saturday Social Tennis

February 10, 2010
Starting February, every Saturday we are having a social hit.  Click here for details.


2013 Deaflympics (Bulgaria)