Everyone interested in being involved in the organisation of deaf tennis is invited to attend our AGM. A reminder that we have unfilled vacancies on an ongoing basis, and that there are many ongoing opportunities for you to get involved.  So if you're interested in helping organise deaf tennis activities in any capacity please get in touch!

Location, Date & Time
Sunday 20th March 2016 19:30pm AEST via Skype.


1. Open and Welcome
2. Attendance and Apologies
3. Minutes of the 2014 DTA AGM
4. DTA 2015 Annual Report
5. DTA 2015 Financial Report
6. Election of Board Positions
7. General Business
7.1     Winding up of DTA as an incorporated association (transfer of operations to a subcommittee of Deaf Sports Australia)

RSVP & Equiries