Hi Folks,
We have a few updates to the Tennis program for the ADG in January 2018 to share.
On Sunday the 21st there will now be a social tennis event, from 10am to noon - this low cost event is open to absolutely everyone, not just those planning to play the main ADG tennis event. This will be hosted by Deaf Tennis Australia, and will be promoted separately closer to the date. This promises to be a fun and sociable way for us to kick off the Australian Deaf Games!
During the week, from Monday the 22nd until Thursday the 25th, we're hoping to see local coaches from the Wodonga Tennis Centre (our venue for the ADG) run kids tennis program, consisting of a mix of Hot Shots, come-n-try sessions, and possibly a more substantial/regular clinic through the week. Suggested age range is 8-18. Please register your interest via email adg@deaftennisaustralia.org, so that we can work with the local coach to organise a suitable program.
The main ADG Tennis event remains unchanged - Singles and Doubles in a round robin format each morning from Monday to Wednesday, with Thursday in reserve for inclement weather. Please get your registrations in ASAP (http://www.austdeafgames.org.au/) and preferably also email me at adg@deaftennisaustralia.org. We're obviously pretty keen to know how many people will be attending, preferably by the end of November.
Yours in Tennis,
Stephen Swann
ADG Tennis Convenor
In : National